We Adjust Every Body And Their Dog

If you have any changes in your contact or insurance information, please notify the front desk staff


Ask Dr. B about Standard Process™ supplements, CALM™ and Klaire Labs™ products for your kids.


Feel better? Functioning Better? Tell others- it’s the best compliment we can receive.


Thank you for your referrals!


Jeremiah 30:17 - “I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,” says the Lord.


If you have any changes in your contact or insurance information, please notify the front desk staff 〰️ Ask Dr. B about Standard Process™ supplements, CALM™ and Klaire Labs™ products for your kids. 〰️ Feel better? Functioning Better? Tell others- it’s the best compliment we can receive. 〰️ Thank you for your referrals! 〰️ Jeremiah 30:17 - “I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,” says the Lord. 〰️

clinic hallway with chairs against the wall for waiting.

Our Mission

Our goal is to provide an exceptional, specialized chiropractic healthcare service to the families of the River Valley.
We strive to provide a healing, comfortable, family-friendly environment that patients look forward to visiting. 
We will take a salutogenic approach to healthcare and will guide our patients to express 100% of their health potential.
We want to change the view of healthcare from being reactive to proactive and teach our patients the body is a self-healing organism that adapts to any and all situations; because we believe that the power that made the body can heal the body.

Our Staff