Frequently Asked Questions
Pain symptoms are unreliable and only make up about 10% of the WHOLE nervous system. So what does the other 90% of the nervous system do? Monitor function. Children fall, take tumbles, have growing pains, get sick, experience trauma and stress. The birth process alone can often be a cause of subluxation in their little spines. It’s wise to get your child checked as soon as you can to see how well their nervous system is functioning.
Animals instinctively don’t show pain. It’s a built-in survival tactic. Dogs can get in fights, take tumbles, jump too far, land hard, get hit by cars, and even experience stress and trauma. If your dog limps, has changes in their walking pattern, hesitates to jump or go up/down stairs, or has any other unusual changes in their behavior, get their spine checked by an AVCA certified chiropractor.
Horses can be pretty clumsy sometimes and get themselves into all kinds of trouble from getting caught in a fence, to stumbling in the field, or fighting another horse. Horses involved in sports also experience sprains and strains that can negatively affect their performance. If you notice any changes in their walking/running patterns, they hesitate to execute what you ask of them, or experience any changes in their behavior like nodding their head, bucking or snorting excessively, get their spine checked by an AVCA certified chiropractor.
Many PCP or pediatricians may not quite understand chiropractic and that alone prompts hesitation to refer. In my experience, our local medical doctors will happily encourage chiropractic as long as it is helping the patient.
Sometimes insurance coverage can depend on referrals or prior authorizations. Please contact us directly to clarify if you need a referral from your medical doctor.
Call us at: 479-922-8185.
Or email us at: jbfachiro@gmail.com.
Child and adult adjustments look VERY different, even though I’m essentially adjusting the same segments. The force applied to a child’s spine is equivalent to the force one would use to test the ripeness of a tomato. Often with children, the idea of ‘less is more’ is applied to their adjustments. A child’s spine is so malleable that I only adjust a few segments at a time. A minor change in their nervous system can make a huge difference in their physiology.
The major difference between a pop and a chiropractic adjustment is the specificity. They both create a feeling of relief because endorphins are released during the cavitation (pop). However, a chiropractic adjustment is a very specific adjustment to one segment in a particular direction of correction, which is virtually impossible for one to perform on their own spine. The popping of the spine is very general and nonspecific. Leave the “popping” to the professionals.
Each patient responds differently. There are lots of variables to consider like activity of the patient, stressors, general health and wellbeing of the patient, if they’re in acute or chronic phases of healing, etc… So that’s why each patient gets a treatment plan tailored to them.
You certainly don’t HAVE to see a chiropractor for the rest of your life. But after seeing positive changes in your health, you’ll WANT to continue maintaining the progress you’ve achieved.
Any animal with a spine can receive chiropractic care. However, Dr. B does NOT see exotic animals or birds. But there are animal chiropractors that do. Visit this website to check it out: www.animalchiropractic.org