What is Chiropractic?

chiropractor uses needle to apply an injection in patient's back

Chiropractic is the philosophy, science, and art of things natural. It is a drug-free, nonsurgical approach to healing and primarily focuses on the integrity of the body’s natural ability to adapt and heal itself. The main goal of chiropractic is to focus on the integrity of the nervous system. We do this by removing subluxations; or interference of the communication pathways between the brain and body. The central nervous system (CNS) oversees all​ the other organ systems' (digestive, immune, reproductive systems, etc..) functions. In fact, it is referred to as the “master system.”  The CNS provides all the communication pathways between the brain and rest of the body. 

Along the route of some of these nerve pathways can arise an interference of communication.  We, as chiropractors, refer to this as a subluxation.  In other words, a subluxation is anything that blocks the communication pathways between the brain and the body.  Whether it's a bone out of place or another way.

The Subluxation can arise in 3 main ways:

  • Thoughts- The daily stressors of life (both good and bad).

  • Traumas- Slips, falls, and other accidents.

  • Toxins- Processed foods, products, pollutants, EMFs, etc...

My job is to remove this subluxation. I do that with a high velocity, low amplitude, gentle thrust to a specific joint usually along the spine either by using my hands or an instrument. The Chiropractor's role is to remove the subluxation, restore motion, help the nervous system perform at 100% and allow the body to heal itself because chiropractors believe that the power that made body can heal the body.