Animal Services
For Small Animals- please call for pricing
A small animal is defined as one that does NOT need to be hauled in a trailer.(Examples: dog, cat, rabbit, etc…)
Chiropractic adjustments and examination which includes:
Posture Analysis
An observation of the muscle tone and symmetry of the animal while standing and/or sitting in a motionless position.
Gait Analysis
An observation of how the cadence, symmetry, and balance of the animal as it walks, trots, and runs.
Vertebral and extremity static and/or motion palpation
The feel of each individual vertebrae and extremity joint and how the tone, temperature, and motion of the joint feel compared to surrounding joints.
Leg Length analysis
An observation of how symmetrical the rear legs are.
Radiographic analysis
Although x-rays are not performed on animals in this office, Dr. B does still prefer to view any x-rays of your pet beforehand when they’re available.
Orthopedic evaluation
Tests that are performed to pinpoint pain and joint dysfunction.
Neurological evaluation
Tests that are performed to evaluate neurological function and integrity of the cranial and peripheral nerves.
For Large Animals- please call for pricing
A Large animal is defined as one that MUST be hauled in a trailer. (Examples: horse, sheep, pig, cow, etc…)
Chiropractic adjustments and examination, performed on location, which includes:
Posture Analysis
An observation of the muscle tone and symmetry of the animal while standing and/or sitting in a motionless position.
Gait Analysis
An observation of how the cadence, symmetry, and balance of the animal as it walks, trots, and runs.
Vertebral and extremity static and/or motion palpation
The feel of each individual vertebrae and extremity joint and how the tone, temperature, and motion of the joint feel in regards to surrounding joints.
Orthopedic Evaluation
Tests that are performed to pinpoint pain and joint dysfunction.
Neurological Evaluation
Tests that are performed to evaluate neurological function and integrity of the cranial and peripheral nerves.